Assignment One

Assignment 2

Assignment 3

Pre Composition Outline

Vision: Child roaming in the woods, scared of the dark. Lots of animal noises written as leitmotifs (inspiration=missa gaia kyrie)


Beginning: Start out slow, not much tempo or beat to it. Wistful, mystical, simple. Maybe the sound of a loon. Violin trills and alto flutes possibly. As it builds, maybe write a cello harmony underneath the loon


Middle: as it builds, double bass sneaks in. somehow cross a major melody of the violins and flutes into a dissonant loon sound. the girl is in the woods, and her world is getting dark. She encounters imaginary figures, some sort of dissonant horn melodies, maybe a sop sax in there. It gets dark, never super fast and angry, but eerie.


End: ends with a single line of an animal. The loon is what scared her. The loon ends the piece.



Other Random Ideas: Just focus on the loon pitches, transcribe them. Maybe write them as a dissonant horn melody, with clarinets fluttering and screechy cellos. maybe the scene of a pond.