


Movement 1: Dissonant, lots of clashing chords with a bouncy, short rhythm; dynamics and tempo varying a lot throughout the piece


Movement 2: Polyphonic at some points, varying vocal parts. Slowly building. Sounds liek multiple stories at once 


Movement 3: Very intense and dissonant, multiple vocal lines with creepy harmonies. Very forceful and chaotic in the beginning. Starts forte and dies down a bit to build back up with more vocal lines 


Movement 4: Less dissonant than the others, rich harmonies. Simple in the beginning with one line with some harmonies. Legato

Step 3

  • Reflect on the following

A.  How confident are you in the predicted outcome of the written analysis?  20%, 40%, 60%, 80% or 100% 87%

B.   How ‘theory smart’ do you feel after identifying the terms in the article? 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% or 100%  30%

C.  On a scale from 1-10, about how much effort/time did you put into this exam? about an 8

D.  What part(s) did you find most challenging?  Easiest?  I felt the hardest thing was finding a few of the nonharmonic tones and identifying cadences, and the easiest being identifying intervals and knowing the texture of the piece

Final Reflection

Step 1

  • Review the Benchmark Goals you set for yourself in Getting Started; What is it that you hope to know and/or be able to do at the conclusion of the course?  

A.  Comment on your semester achievements in relation to your initial goals My initial goals were to be able to bring what I learned in music theory to real life applications (band, etc), and I have found on multiple occasions that I have been able to use my skills from theory to help my playing and reading skills. 

B.  How well did you achieve your goal?  What goals were met?  What goals were not met? As I said, my goal of real life application has been met on multiple occasions. However, there have been times where my speed with my knowledge was slow because it takes me some time to figure some problems out. Obviously I don't know everything there is to know about theory, but I am happy with what I have accomplished. 

C.  How well did you avoid sources of interference to stay on task?

I was a little worse at this in the beginning of the year than at the end, but when I encountered a distraction, I would address it, and I would separate myself from it or I would just ignore it and get back to work. I also have been good with getting work done outside of class so issues of other classes getting in the way would not be an issue because my workload was on track. 


Step 2

  • Review your Self Regulation Inventory located in Getting Started 

A.  Comment on how you addressed the weaknesses you identified and/or how you overcame challenges in regards to achieving success this semester My only weakness I said in the beginning of the year was my confidence on how well I do on a test, and confidence has always been an issue for me in doing work. But I found this wasn't something that I really needed to be worried about in this class as my confidence grew throughout the course. 

B.  Reassess the 30 true/false statements for the Self Regulation Inventory.  Compare your current ratio to your initial one. When looking through my true and false answers from the Getting Started page, I noticed with my learning that if I got to a really hard problem, I didn't always put 100% effort in figuring it out on my own. I often would ask either you or a peer for assistance because it was always available to me. But other than that a lot of what I thought true in the beginning was reflected throughout my work in the course. 

C.  How would you approach the process differently if you had another opportunity to learn in this manner? I maybe would have had more organized notes or taken more time to delve deeper into some subjects instead of quickly going through them. 

D.  What have you learned about learning? I have learned that you must put in extra effort outside of the classroom to get things done. 

E.  How does what you learned relate to other things you have been learning or have experienced? I can use what I learned about skills needed in an independent class to be more diligent in other courses. 

F.  How has your thinking about your thinking(metacognition)changed? I have been a lot more aware of how my work flow should pan out in the long term and have been even more diligent. 


Step 3

  • Review the 3 Music Literacy Benchmark Assessments located in Unit 1 and try to answer the questions again in your mind

A.  Comment on the status of your current comfort level with this material relative to the past My comfort in each area has obviously skyrocketed, though I have not perfected every aspect. I stated I was most confident in rhythms, but I discovered I was not actually as good as I thought I was when I did my compositions, but I have improved a lot since the beginning. 

B.  How well did you achieve what you set out to learn? Concidering I had zero background on chords and wanted to apprehend at least a little of the concept, I would say I definitely achieved my goals in that area. 

C.  What concepts were achieved?  What concepts remain a mystery? I would say rhythm and intervals was definitely achieved whereas more complex chord progressions, dominants, and inversions still are a little fuzzy. 


Step 4

  • Use the following Work Habits Rubric to guide your responses regarding your semester achievements

A.  Identify areas of strengths I would say my areas of strength are times when I must organize my schedule and I am good at keeping my work habits on track. I am good at managing my time and using my time effectively. 

B.  Identify areas of needed improvement I must improve on not getting distracted by others and pushing myself to do beyond what is expected of the course. 

C.  What strategies might you use in the future to overcome these challenges? I think I will slow down with my work and put some more color into it, and also separate myself from distracting people . 


Step 5

  • Briefly review the assignments you have submitted for Units 6-9 

A.  Comment on the quality of work reflected in your ePortfolio as well as the content of your manilla folder I would say I am quite happy with the work I have submitted in units 6-9. The only thing I would comment on is that some of my compositions are not totally incredible or unique as I was just trying to show the concepts in the unit, and I could have tried a little harder to make them more colorful. 

B.  Did you modify your approach for the second part of the semester or repeat your approach from the first part? I think I used a similar approach in this semester in submitting quality work, and I kept up with my pacing very well. 


Step 6

  • Answer the following questions regarding the future use of the course material

  1. Identify 3 of the most important concepts or skills you learned in this course For me, the most important skills I have learned this semester would be intervals, building snowmen, and keys

  2. Explain why you perceive these concepts or skills to be important  I especially consider intervals to be important for being able to sight sing better and also be more familiar with my horn intervals. Building snowmen has been important in recognizing the important notes of a chord and what should stick out, and also helps me get better at understanding intervals. Keys has been especially important because I learned minor keys and have been able to understand important concepts in band and other musical areas. 

  3. How do you anticipate using these concepts or skills in the future? As I said, I have been able to carry a lot of what I learned into other musical areas such as band and chamber choir, and it has helped me be more confident in my instrumental life. 


Step 7

  • Please provide some advice and words of wisdom for students taking this course in the future Do NOT do all of the work during classroom hours. To get your work done, do work at home so you can pace out what you should do in class (do all of the things you are confident on at home so you can do finale's and ask questions during class. Also, keep your eyes out for the future to be able to make a plan on what you need to work on. Don't rush through the work to try and get it done either because the concepts you learn in the beginning will be essential to understand even at the end of the course. 


Step 8

  • Please help us sculpt future classes by providing feedback, suggestions, etc. related to Unit Content, Alfred, Wix, On-Campus, ePortfolio, Work Flow, etc. I really enjoyed how this class was set up and I really don't have any complaints. Even though alfred sucks it is still helpful. I would say one thing I missed out from being ahead were the little group meetings after each unit, so I would suggest maybe require little meetings even if it is one on one after a student finishes to solidify what we learned, because I always found the meetings helpful.