Step 2

  • Provide a 'mind dump' by writing down everything you can remember off the top of your head Nonharmonic tones are notes that don't fit within a chord, and there are many different tones including passing tones, neighboring tones, escaping tones, suspensions, retardations, appogiatora, and a few others I'm blanking on. These non harmonic tones allow tension in music to allow resolutions. 

Step 4

  • Describe how the addition of non-harmonic tones alters the sound of your 8 bar chord progression. It makes my progression so much more interesting and adds flavor, almost adding a mini melody. 

Provide the title of a song that has a melody you love and describe what you love about it:  I love the melody for Africa by Toto because it is so darn catchy and powerful as it goes from pretty chill to ITS GUNNA TAKE A LOT TO TAKE ME AWAY FROM YOUUUUU. So good. No explanation needed.  

Step 5

  • Provide the title of a song that has harmony that you love and describe why you love it. I love the harmonies in "Like a Prayer", especially in the glee version because its so crisp and clean and it makes me get goosebumps! Especially with the oooooos


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